The Art of Relaxing and Empowering
Raja Yoga Meditation
Rajyoga means to have a mental love link of the true self with the Supreme source of universal energy – ‘God’. Rajyoga is an ancient system of meditation and spiritual understanding. It enables us to return to a state of inner peace, personal power and self-worth through re-kindling the soul’s original qualities and virtues.

Peace of Mind

Sense of purpose

Relaxation of mind
Raja Yoga is an ancient system of meditation and spiritual understanding. It enables us to return to a state of inner peace, personal power and self-worth through re-kindling the soul’s original qualities and virtues. It provides many answers to age-old questions relating to our identity and purpose and opens up a pathway to true peace of mind and a natural state of happiness.
Rajyoga means to have a mental love link of the true self with the Supreme source of universal energy – ‘God’. Rajyoga is an ancient system of meditation and spiritual understanding. It enables us to return to a state of inner peace, personal power and self-worth through re-kindling the soul’s original qualities and virtues.
It provides many answers to age-old questions relating to our identity and purpose and opens up a pathway to true peace of mind and natural state of happiness.
Basic Rajyoga Course

The following topics are covered in the basic course for beginners
- Knowing the Self – Understanding the Soul
- Knowing the Supreme
- The Practical Technique and Experience of Rajyoga
- Divine Acts of God
- Understanding the Cycle of Time – The World Drama
- The Law of Karma – The Ascent and Descent of Humanity
- The Tree of Humanity
- Enhancing Inner Powers through Rajyoga
- Spiritual Lifestyle – Pillars of a Rajyogi life
Advanced Rajyoga Course

This is offered to those who have completed the Basic course at ORC or at one of the BK centres. The topics that will be covered are as follows:
- Knowing the Self – Understanding the Soul
- Knowing the Supreme
- The Practical Technique and Experience of Rajyoga
- Divine Acts of God
- Understanding the Cycle of Time – The World Drama
- The Law of Karma – The Ascent and Descent of Humanity
- The Tree of Humanity
- Enhancing Inner Powers through Rajyoga
- Spiritual Lifestyle – Pillars of a Rajyogi life
- Meditation Commentary
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
A Deep Silence World
Deep Silence
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