Pledge to Pause
Why Pause?
We, the humans, are hardwired to be connected – we want to share things with one another. Now, in the age of social media, we are sharing more and more. The latest news, some handy advice, a funny story: all it takes is a click and we have shared something with the world. These titbits of information often spread like wildfire, and a small share can have big consequences. For all its benefits, social media has become a vehicle for misinformation. It is disrupting our politics, our economy, and our health.
With the current pandemic, it can even be deadly. Misinformation is also making it harder to tackle the world’s most pressing issues. To find a solution, we need to work together. We cannot wait for technological interventions. There is something we all can do. Pause. The simple act of pausing before you share interrupts our emotional response, it triggers a moment of critical thinking.
Interrupt your emotional response.
Take a breath. Trigger critical thinking.
Don’t share it if you don’t trust it.

Brahma Kumaris in support of the Pledge to Pause Campaign:
Being an organization that stands to awaken all people to a set of higher values, which inspire human action in the service of the widest possible good. We, at the Brahma Kumaris are happy to extend our support for this brilliant and timely initiative. We believe in building inner strength and resilience within an individual which further enhances their ability to participate in an informed and assertive manner to the issues facing humanity
The Youth Wing of Brahma Kumaris, functioning since 1985, works towards holistic development of youth by empowering them in living values and life skills through Rajyoga Meditation. It also gives them qualitative inputs and facilitates interactions on socio spiritual subjects through its volunteers’ network. It also organizes campaigns, workshops, seminars, and festivals from capitals to remote villages, at national to local levels. It has also worked on like-minded projects of Union and State governments.
Being a regional flagbearer of this project, we also aim to reach out to universities, colleges, and youth organizations for wider dissemination.
An open invitation to Join the Campaign:
In an endeavour to reach out to the maximum number of people through this campaign, we aim to welcome partnerships and collaborations from like-minded civil society organizations or people with a wide presence to join hands together in making a strong community by standing up for Truth in a polarised world, to build more trust in society and helping every individual to thrive.
come visit us
- Om Shanti Retreat Centre
- +91 – 124-2667000