Mix and Match
Social Initiatives
ORC has been organising various camps and activities to benefit the
local community and villages nearby. These activities are aimed to
sensitize local villagers towards education, cleanliness and moral values. Special camps like National Diabetes Control Camps, Cancer
Awareness etc are also organized from time to time for the public.
The ‘Happy Health Centre’ of ORC and Ambulance facility are also
available for community use and emergency cases.
@Special camps like National Diabetes Control Camps, Cancer Awareness etc are also organized from time to time for the public.
@The ‘Happy Health Centre’ of ORC and Ambulance facility are also available for community use and emergency
@The ‘Happy Health Centre’ of ORC and Ambulance facility are also available for community use and emergency cases.
@Special camps like National Diabetes Control Camps, Cancer Awareness etc are also organized from time to time for the public.
@ORC has been organising various camps and activities to benefit the local community and villages nearby.
@These activities are aimed to sensitize local villagers towards education, cleanliness and moral values.
Various Camps & Activities
ORC has been organising various camps and activities to benefit the local community and villages nearby. These activities are aimed to sensitize local villagers towards education, cleanliness and moral values.

The lush green campus of the Om Shanti Retreat Centre bears a testimony of how our inner nature creates a peaceful outer environment.
Hold your mind and stay positive
Green Initiative

Green Initiative
The lush green campus of the Om Shanti Retreat Centre bears a testimony of how our inner nature creates a peaceful outer environment. At the retreat centre several initiatives are taken to ensure a clean and green earth. Tree plantation drives in nearby rural areas are also conducted from time to time. Seminars on Environment conservation and climate change are also a regular feature of the community services undertaken by ORC.
Solar energy is used for most of the electricity used on campus and also for cooking daily meals. The 450 KW solar power plant is one of the largest of its kind in India and has been partly sponsored by the Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources (MNES), Govt. of India. Various students, engineers and scientists from various colleges and industry visit to see the working of the solar power plant.
- Tree Plantation
- Climate Change Awareness Seminars / Conferences
- Solar Power Plant
Tree Plantation
Since its inception ORC has been involved in various social and community initiatives. We welcome corporate to partner with us for their Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (CSR)
Health Awareness Campaigns
Free Health Check Ups
Family & Spiritual Counseling
Women Empowerment