Rajayoga Meditation
Being Happy
Events & Courses
Making Changes
Fulfilling Life
Rajayoga Meditation
Raja Yoga meditation is an open-eyed technique that can be used by anyone, anywhere. Whether you want to learn how to relax, need to be more concentrated and creative or are searching for personal enlightenment, Raja Yoga Meditation can satisfy each of those needs. The Brahma Kumaris teach Raja Yoga, a meditation practice combined with spiritual self-knowledge. The meditation course is not based on a regime of physical postures but rather an insight into the workings of the mind, intellect and subconscious and the ability to apply this knowledge in everyday situations.
Our Courses
We gather to help people with their spiritual growth
and provide a safe and friendly space for nurturing holistic well-being.
All our retreats, workshops, and online courses are run by experienced facilitators who have years of experience as Raja Yoga practitioners and teachers. Many also hold various professional qualifications and are keenly aware of the challenges of bringing spirituality into everyday life.