Be Still: Learn to sit quietly and meet yourself in stillness. Peace will come and sit beside you.
Live Simple: Move through the world with a pure mind and heart. Simplicity means taking only what you need from the earth and from life. Abundance is the reward.
Stay Light: Put an end to part worries in an instant. When you decide to live with the lightness in your thoughts and your actions, others can see you shine.
Live Now: Enjoy living in the present moment; forget the negativity, waste and regrets of the past. Positivity is the first step to peace.
Give Freely: Generously give from what you have. Sharing your gifts with others without counting the cost, guarantees you will receive even more.
Practice Compassion: Find forgiveness. First for yourself. Then learn that forgiveness showers blessings in all directions. In forgiving others, we are forgiven and healed.
Give Thanks: Be grateful for all that you have been given. Gratitude gives value to what you possess and increases your joy in all things.
Befriend Silence: Make a friend of quietness – turn your thoughts inwards to your innermost self. Silence invites God into your heart and mind.
Create Happiness: Make up your mind to be happy – and you will be.
Serve Others: Enjoy being of service. Thinking and acting for ourselves alone brings only shallow rewards; serving others creates a deep well of contentment.
There is happiness when each moment is used in a worthwhile way. Happiness is such nourishment that it is greatly empowering. It makes difficult things easy and heavy things light. To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of charity. Once you are happy, then no matter what happens. never let your happiness go.